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Privacy Policy Web
1. Legal notice and information
This legal notice regulates the use of the service on the website (hereinafter, the "Portal") owned by TEXKNIT SA, with address at Ronda Narcís Monturiol, 30-32, 08349 from Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona); makes available to Internet users.
The use of the Web page attributes the condition of user of the Web (from now on, "User") and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this privacy policy from the moment that the User accesses the Web.
Consequently, the User must carefully read this text on each of the occasions in which he intends to use it, since it may undergo modifications.
2. Purpose
This website, owned by TEXKNIT S.A., has been created and designed to publicize the entity's services and products and allow general access to all Internet users.
The access and / or use of the Web attributes to whoever performs it the condition of User and the acceptance, without reservations of any kind, of each and every one of these general conditions, as well as of those other particular ones that, if required , govern the use of the Portal or the services linked to it.
In this sense, TEXKNIT SA, reserves the right to carry out, at any time and without the need for prior notice, any modification or update of the contents and services, of the present access and use provisions and, in general, of how many elements integrate the design and configuration of the Web.
3. Conditions of access to the Web
3.1 Free nature of the use of the Web: The Web for the provision of the Services offered by this Portal is free for users of TEXKNIT S.A.,. However, through the TEXKNIT S.A. website, you can use the personal data provided by users.
3.2 Truthful information: All information provided by the User through the Portal must be truthful. The User will be solely responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused.
4. Use of the website.
The user agrees to use the Portal in accordance with current legislation on the protection of personal data, law 34/2002 of July 11, the regulations for use and instructions, as well as morality and generally accepted good customs. and public order.
The User agrees not to use the information, activities, products or services that TEXKNIT SA, makes available to carry out activities contrary to laws, morals or public order and, in general, to make a use that is not in accordance with these general conditions.
For this purpose, the User will refrain from using any of the contents for illegal purposes or effects, prohibited in this text, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the contents, of other Users or of any Internet user (hardware and software).
Users will be liable for damages of any kind that the company TEXKNIT SA may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a result of breach of any of the obligations derived from the use of the website, the General Conditions, and this Privacy Policy .
In particular, and merely indicative and not exhaustive, the User agrees not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound files and / or images, photographs, recordings of the Web.
The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, animations, software, texts, information and contents that are collected on the Portal are protected by Spanish legislation, and partial or partial reproduction is not allowed. the entire portal, nor its computer processing, without the prior written permission of its owners.
5. Contents of the Portal
The contents of the Website are made available to the User by TEXKNIT S.A., as its own information or, where appropriate, third parties. In this way, the entity will put reasonable means at its disposal so that the contents included in the Portal are accurate and updated.
The User agrees to use the content made available, understanding by these, without this list being limiting, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes, in accordance with the law, this Privacy Policy, and other notices, use regulations and instructions brought to your attention, as well as morality and good customs, generally accepted, and public order.
The User agrees to refrain from reproducing, copying, distributing, making available or in any other way of publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the Contents, unless he has the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted. .
However, the user can view all the elements, print them, copy them and store them on the hard drive of their computer or on any other physical support, provided that it is solely and exclusively for their personal and private use, thus remaining Its use for commercial purposes, its distribution, as well as its modification, alteration or from compilation is strictly prohibited.
6. Links
The Web may include within its contents links to sites owned and / or managed by third parties, available through the Internet.
The Web does not assume any responsibility derived from the existence of external content links to this site. Such links or mentions have a purpose that implies the support, approval, commercialization or any relationship between the Web and the persons or entities that own the sites where they are located.
7. Data Protection
The personal data are incorporated into a database for which TEXKNIT SA is responsible, with address at Ronda Narcís Monturiol, 30-32, 08349, Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona), with CIF A-08691610, which has the measures implemented organizational and technical necessary for your security and confidentiality.
The personal data of reference will be treated with some or all of the following purposes:
· Develop the commercial relationship that links the person responsible for the treatment with the owner of the data, carrying out all those treatments that are necessary for the correct development of the commercial relationship.
· Send commercial, informative and advertising communications in those cases in which consent has been obtained in this regard.
The data will be kept for the period necessary to correctly develop the commercial relationship, plus the time necessary to comply with legal obligations and face possible responsibilities.
In the event that the sending of commercial, advertising and / or informative information has been authorized, the data will be kept as long as the owner does not deny their authorization.
In case of data conservation, these will be kept duly pseudonymised, so that there is no place for the identification of the owner.
The legitimacy for the treatment of the data is determined by the correct development of the commercial relationship and for the sending of commercial, advertising and / or informative information, based on the authorization granted by the owner of the data, in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they have been provided.
Assignments and transfers:
The personal data obtained for the purposes of sending information, in no case will be transferred or transferred to third parties, unless the owner authorizes it at the request of the person in charge. In the data obtained for the development and maintenance of the commercial relationship, those in charge of the treatment may intervene, where appropriate, and the assignments will be limited to those that are strictly necessary and / or mandatory for the correct development of the commercial relationship.
Rights of the interested parties:
1- Access: Consisting of the right to obtain from the Responsible party, confirmation of whether personal data is being processed and under what terms and conditions.
2- Rectification: Consisting of the right to modify inaccurate personal data.
3- Deletion: Consisting of the right to obtain the elimination of personal data from the databases of the person in charge when, among other cases, they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
4- Opposition: Consisting of the right to oppose the treatment carried out by the person in charge in certain circumstances or for certain purposes.
5- Portability: Consisting of the right of the owner of the data to have it provided on a capable and sufficient physical medium to be transmitted to another person in charge.
6- Limitation: Consisting of the right of the owner of the data to request the limitation of the treatment, so that the corresponding treatment operations will not be applied to their personal data.
Place and form of exercise of rights.
Interested parties may exercise their rights by writing to TEXKNIT SA, Ronda Narcís Monturiol number 30-32, 08349 de Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona), providing a photocopy of the DNI or alternative documentation that proves their identity, or by email addressed to
Right to complain to the control entity
In the event of any violation of their rights, or when the request for exercise has not been satisfied, the interested parties may inform the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
8. Cookies
TEXKNIT S.A., may use cookies when a User browses the Web sites and pages.
The cookies used by TEXKNIT S.A. on the Web are only associated with the browser of a specific computer (an anonymous User), and do not themselves provide the name and surname of the User.
These cookies are used for TEXKNIT SA, in order to recognize the browsers of registered Users after they have registered for the first time, without having to register on each visit to access the areas and Services reserved exclusively for them. In the same way, they are used for the purposes of compiling TEXKNIT SA statistics, to offer the User the possibility of personalizing the Website according to their tastes and needs, so that it is not necessary to customize it on each visit to it.
9. Intellectual and industrial property
All trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the Web page are the property of TEXKNIT SA, or third parties, without it being understood that the use or access to the Web attributes to the User any right over the aforementioned marks, trade names and / or distinctive signs.
Likewise, the Contents are the intellectual • property of TEXKNIT S.A., or of third parties, without being understood to be assigned to the User, by virtue of the provisions of this privacy policy. Therefore, the transfer of intellectual property rights on this website is expressly prohibited.
10. Advertising
Advertising or sponsored content is hosted on the Web. Advertisers or sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the Web complies with the laws that in each case may be applicable.
TEXKNIT S.A. will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that the advertising or sponsorship content may contain.
11. Responsibility
The User will be liable for damages of any kind that TEXKNIT SA may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject by this Privacy Policy, by law, or, where appropriate, by the particular conditions that are applicable.
11.1 Responsibility in Accessing the Portal: TEXKNIT SA is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the User that cause failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation, installation or interruption of the service of the Portal during the provision of the same or beforehand.
11.2. Responsibility for the quality of the service and content: Access to the Web does not imply an obligation on the part of TEXKNIT S.A., to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other malicious computer element. In any case, the User is responsible for the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs. TEXKNIT S.A., is not responsible for the damages produced in the computer equipment, documents and / or files of the Users or third parties during the provision of the service on the Portal.
11.3 Liability for links: The Web access service may include technical link devices that allow the User to access other Internet pages and portals. In these cases, TEXKNIT SA, does not know the contents and services of the links and, therefore, is not responsible for the damages caused by lighting • legality, quality, outdated, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents and / or or services of the links or links or for any other damage.
12. Applicable law
This privacy policy is governed in each and every one of its extremes by Spanish law. For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from accessing the website, the User and TEXKNIT SA, expressly agree to submit to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may correspond to them.
In these conditions, Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Services and Email, will also apply.